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Business Strategy

The objective of the Company is to contribute towards the economic development of the country, while maintaining the progressive growth rate of the Company, by providing lease financing to small and medium sized business enterprises and individuals in the most efficient and effective manner.

1. Enhancing value for its shareholders and lenders

By investing into a diversified lease portfolio, the Company substantially reduces the risk of potential losses, which in turn promises to shield the shareholders equity and further increase the value of the stakeholders’ interests. The increasing trend of the Company’s Earning Per Share reflects that the Company has not only safeguarded the stakeholders’ interests efficiently but has also been successfully able to increase the value of their interests.

2. Providing efficient and professional services to its customers

SLCL is known for its quality service. The main objective of the organization is providing high quality services at economical prices. It has been the company’s policy to give a wide variety of options to its customers, in order to facilitate their individual requirements.

3.Developing an efficient and professionally trained human resource

The management philosophy of the Company is to develop and maintain a professional organization with a blend of local culture and management style. The professional staff has been hired on the basis of merit from various business organizations.

4.Following Shariah injunctions for financing activities

The Company is committed towards continued improvement and diversification in its lease portfolio. By adopting an Islamic approach to leasing, the company will be able to improve its image as well as provide innovative ways in leasing to its customers.


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